Thursday, July 5, 2012

Baby Food Made Easy!

 Supplies needed: peeler, knife, spoon, immersion blender, steamer basket, ice trays, freezer baggies.

  1. Wash
  2. Peel
  3. Slice
  4. Steam- about 3-15 minutes, depending on what you're making. Fruit takes less time than veggies. Generally, the softer the food, the less time it takes. (you don't need to cook bananas or avocados, and as baby grows, they can do more raw foods, but steam everything else @ first.)
  5. Blend- add a little water leftover from the pot you steamed it in, to desired consistency. I find it's easier to get out of the ice trays AND easier for baby to eat if it's thicker rather than thinner. 
  6. Scoop into ice trays & Freeze. I usually let them sit overnight.
  7. Pop the cubes out into freezer baggies.
  8. Label & store in the freezer!
  9. To reheat: The best way is to take it out the day before & let it thaw in the fridge, but I usually can't remember to do that, so I nuke it in the micro on defrost for about 45 seconds. I try to always micro in ceramic or glass bowls, not plastic.
What to feed:  There is lots of info about what to feed out there, especially as far as allergens. These are my favorite websites with info about baby food: Weston A Price Foundation & Wholesome Baby Food. We start out with egg yolks, as they are highly nutritious! Then we move on to avocados, sweet potatoes, then to lots of other fruits & veggies. Next, I do meats. Grains are not a good first choice for babies. I wait until 10-12 months, and then start with oatmeal- no wheat until 12 months (there is celiac in my family.) Also, no dairy until 12 months.

 He's not too sure. :) 

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